Cognivue Cognitive Screening
in Caldwell

Cognivue Cognitive Screening for Detection of Early Cognitive Decline
Importantly, Cognivue Thrive evaluates three cognitive domains: memory, visuospatial, and executive function. Cognivue Thrive also measures two-speed performance parameters: reaction time and speed processing. These domains and parameters are key to overall performance at any age.
Cognivue Thrive is an adjunctive tool for evaluating cognitive function. It is not a stand-alone diagnostic tool. Clinical contextualization is required
Hearing Loss Can Impact Cognition
Did you know that Audiology plays a key role in detecting early cognitive decline?
When your hearing specialist or audiologist helps to slow the onset of hearing loss, it can have a significant impact on several key brain functions, including the memory, hearing, speech, and language portions of cognition. The proactive management of hearing loss may delay or slow the onset or progression of cognitive decline.
In fact, several studies have shown that the use of medical treatment enhancement for hearing loss may slow down the rapid progression of cognitive decline.

Why Should YOU Test for Cognitive Screening?
When done properly and by a qualified hearing professional, your cognitive screening tested with auditory performance may reduce the progression of cognitive decline. This vital information will allow us to provide early detection of hearing loss and provide proper treatment. This hearing treatment will help abate early cognitive decline and potentially slow its progression.
Our state-of-the-art office includes cognitive screening as part of the overall testing protocol to help you live a long life full of enjoyment.